You Are Not Being Told The Full Story...

You have no doubt been told by your surgeon or medical professional that ETS surgery is a very simple procedure where they cut the nerve which sends the signal to your hands, telling them when and how much to sweat. And if the nerve can no longer pass on this signal, your hands stop sweating. Right?

They then go on to tell you that "The only downside is you might get a little extra sweating in other parts of your body called Compensatory or Rebound Sweating". Followed by "But this only happens in around 30% of cases and is very manageable and not a problem for most patients, blah, blah, blah." Sound familiar?

Well, I hate to break it to you... That is absolute BULLSHIT!

Getting factual information about ETS surgery is actually quite difficult. Although a quick google search will display a whole bunch of search results, most do not show the true extent of the side-effects and complications that come with this procedure.

Unfortunately ETS surgery is NOT the miracle 'cure all' for sweaty hands (or facial blushing) as you may have been led to believe. This is major surgery! Your surgeon will be cutting off part of your nervous system and there are a million things that can go wrong, sometimes with tragic consequences. The exact results are impossible to predict because of considerable anatomic variation in nerve function from one patient to the next (ie we are all wired slightly differently) and connections might exist which are unpredictably affected when the nerves are cut.

ETS will indeed stop your sweaty hands, BUT, it also does extensive damage to other parts of your body at the same time.
